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Wild Foods Workshop


Welcome to the Wild Foods Workshop! We have relied on the healing properties of plants for thousands of years. Long before Western medicine and science. Our ancestors were able to utilize wild plants that grew around them for medicine and food. This information is stored in our DNA, we know, intuitively what we need. It is time to reconnect and remember our relationship to nature. It is time to ask questions and get curious about these amazing plant allies that grow just steps out your own backdoor. Learn to listen, be present and harvest in gratuity. Form your very own nature's medicine cabinet, the best quality supplements you can imagine. Knowledge is Power. The more we can learn, the more we can step into not having to rely on store bought alternatives. When you harvest your own herbs for tea, tincture, salve, powders, poultice or any medicine, you are in control. You know the ingredients, where they came from, when it was harvested, its state of health, and the conditions it was growing in-this vibrancy goes into your body. Alive, straight from the earth foods, right into your body, into your cells! The relationship between the plant and the conscious harvester. Let's enter the magic of becoming acquainted with 10 of natures most potent Wild Foods. Let's learn about the plants and herbs that grow Wild and Free around you. Plants you see everyday, pass by on trail walks or see popping up in your own backyard. Learn to identify, learn about their nutritional and medicinal qualities. How to harvest, when to harvest and how to store. These plants have incredible superpowers and they are abundant. I can't wait to introduce you to these incredible 10 plants that are growing near you@

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